With the sugar paste, the competitor will make a vehicle model of his/her choice. Carriage, car, motorcycle, train, plane etc. transportation vehicles can be taken as an example for design. Products such as internal support and styrofoam can be used in a way that is not visible from the outside. The vehicle made in scoring will be in the foreground. The harmony and composition of the carrier base and side decorations will be low in scoring. Isomalt, royal icing can be used as auxiliary materials. The long side of the display area will be minimum 50 cm and maximum 70cm. There is no height limit.
(The work must be ready at the specified area and on the table until 08:30 on the first day of the competition, and the work must be taken by the contestant from the table displayed at 15:00 at the end of the 4th day.)
Cost : 60 €
Age : 24 – 100

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